Sunday 9 December 2012

Bags of Loveliness...

Hello hello hello...So Sunday has been spent sat at home cruising the world wide web, looking for a new bag to help me be somewhat more organised. Kindly supported by my 3 kittens assistants;

Left is Willow, right is Deirdre & on the keyboard we have George!
I did suspect they were actually planning the great escape when I saw the screen had suspiciously gone onto Google Maps...hmmm sneaky Kittens...

Naturally after all the surfing the was time for a cat nap to recoup for the evening Kitten Mad Hour. 

One thing I love are bags...not just handbags but sports bags also, more so if they are full of exciting surprises like The Val Jacobs Ultimate was love at first sight when I saw this both good looking & seriously 'fit for purpose' hottie...look at all the awesome pockets & pouches! {http:/}

Val Jacobs Ultimate Dance Bag

Smart & Sassy

Great amounts of space & means of organisation

Ultimate Duffle Bag
LOOK at the sheer amazingness & practically of this bag...

I will be forced to track down a supplier & order one of these. I am more so in love with this bag due to all of the pockets & pouches...anyone who knows me will tell you I am;

1. Unorganised ~ in every sense of the word
2. Generally running late most of the time
3. Always have large handbag, that pretty much has everything but the kitchen sink & hoover in it, this way I have everything with me should I forget anything!!!

As a matter of interest I have just gone through my handbag & here is a list of everything in it! First on the bag looksy list is... 

Tampons...I have a ridiculous amount of sanitary products hiding in my bag seeming to appear at a rate akin to wet gremlins!

Loose change


Numerous packets of tissues             
                                                       Can of caffeine free diet coke

                                                               1 litre water carrier...Yes really!

Other various random items include; a black vest top, spare pants...lip gloss & balm, Nature valley bar, nail file, appointment cards, filo fax, purse, shimmer lotion, double decker lollipop, CPR face shield, some post & that is pretty much is a heavy bag, from a recently read article it is estimated that the average woman's handbag weighs a whooping 5lbs!!!
What is in your bag?
~Lets have some fun Share your list ~


  1. Hey, thanks for commenting on my blog earlier, in my excitement to approve it on my touchscreen phone in the early hours of this morning I deleted rather than published it, oops sorry lol.

    This post about your bag made me laugh, especially about the random contents.

    Hope your sock bear is coming along?

    Janine xx
