Tuesday, 17 December 2013

University Madness

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So life has flown by...changes have happened & I head off to University in Jan 2014!!! I swear I must be completely MAD, don't get me wrong I love studying...in fact I am somewhat of a swot...but I can't help but think this time I have gone too far,
that academically I am not going to make it through this one.
So now I am planning, studying, reading up, gathering as much information as possible.

BiblioFilmes Festival - inspiring animated gif picture on Favim.com

With that said I am going to go revise Pharmacology until the wee light of the morning....

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Filofax Love...Fibro & Running...hmmmm

So time has passed...many exciting things have occured; I have discovered the pure joy of Filofax...ok more specifically I have become a Filofax Whore!!!...So here is a view of my Filo-family :)

My lovely Finsbury personal...<3

My Domino A5 <3

Oh and my A5 Metropol...lol...

I was surprised at my sudden passion aka addiction- for the Filofax after having owned a personal Domino for several years and not using it to it's full potential *hangs head in shame* but I saw the Finsbury personal and it was all a blur from there, now I don't know how I would have managed without them! I am not quite as organised as I want to be but am alot closer than I was a few month's ago, much to the relief of my other half.

My Fibromyalgia is hazardous, frustrating, a royal pain, a challenge...I could go on, but in particular it has been such a barrier to living in general...pesky thing. However I in my infinite wisdom decided that I would no longer be held back by my Fibro and would begin the Couch to 5k I have the valid reason to never have to attempt it...somewhat the very reason I seem to want to...I searched and searched for useful information on running with Fibromyalgia so when I came across; http://fighterzblog.wordpress.com/2013/01/28/running-with-fibromyalgia-just-keep-running/
Which gave me some level of hope that I won't always be destined to light activity...Drs orders- how bloody depressing?!

Otherwise I have spent my time discovering the world of blogging...mainly reading, learning various new crafts...card making, knitting, jazzing my personal planner etc etc etc...

What have you been up to? Are you overcoming any challenges? 

Thinking of you all xxx

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Keep On, Fighting On...

Life is constantly changing
doors close
others still waiting to be opened
surprisingly i am not in full on panic mode
rather allowing life to just be
~& just being with life~
there is something strangely releasing about this
physically, mentally, emotionally & for me spiritually
in a strange way actually 'going with the flow'
is not the end of the world
allowing myself to accept that
control comes in a vast variety of forms
that self control is also about
accepting those things that are not always within the realms of anyone's control
much can be discovered within the journey of being
the journey of self discovery
the ups, the downs, of the rollercoaster ride that is
most fundamentally about living life
to it's fullest possible extent 
even when tomorrow feels as though it is far far away
it is remembering it still exists